2008.01.28. Monday
Happy Birthday
祝你生日快乐,you have everyday better;
祝你生日快乐,all the future brighter!
Happy birthday to you, send wishes in the queue.
Happy birthday to you, every year is all new!
Happy birthday to you, 爱慕你的眼眸;(紧握你的双手)
Happy birthday to you, 祝你永远优秀!
── From Boathill
祝你生日快乐,you have everyday better;
祝你生日快乐,all the future brighter!
Happy birthday to you, send wishes in the queue.
Happy birthday to you, every year is all new!
Happy birthday to you, 爱慕你的眼眸;(紧握你的双手)
Happy birthday to you, 祝你永远优秀!
── From Boathill
2008.01.24. Thursday
2008.01.24. Thursday
Nice Day
No Work on MLK
因为周六出去狂逛五个小时,加上晚饭,八个小时才回家;周日上午又疯狂逃窜到North Bend,购物三小时,实在是累的有点不行。可如果没头脑不去做瑜珈,不高兴肯定也不会去的。为了不高兴,俺豁出去了,大不了多躺几次。没想到,昨天表现得比周五晚上还好。可今天早上好累啊,幸亏不用上班。8点多起来做个面膜,清醒一下,然后又回到床上把"The Program"看完了。睡了一觉,被若干个找不高兴的电话打扰。下午精神好多了。起来后吃了个苹果,中午把半个饼吃了,很不像话地吃了几块德芙,恨自己中......&.(..
因为周六出去狂逛五个小时,加上晚饭,八个小时才回家;周日上午又疯狂逃窜到North Bend,购物三小时,实在是累的有点不行。可如果没头脑不去做瑜珈,不高兴肯定也不会去的。为了不高兴,俺豁出去了,大不了多躺几次。没想到,昨天表现得比周五晚上还好。可今天早上好累啊,幸亏不用上班。8点多起来做个面膜,清醒一下,然后又回到床上把"The Program"看完了。睡了一觉,被若干个找不高兴的电话打扰。下午精神好多了。起来后吃了个苹果,中午把半个饼吃了,很不像话地吃了几块德芙,恨自己中......&.(..
Ain't It Funny (Lyrics)
Jennifer Lopez - Ain't Funny
It seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me
It's so ironic you're what I had pictured you to be
But there are facts in our lives
We can never change
Just tell me that you understand and feel the same
This perfect romance that I've created in my mind
I'd live a thousand lives
Each one with you right by my side
But yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance
And so it seems like we'll never have the chnance
Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on even though you try
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel
Oh, I wish this could be real
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't wanna face what's wrong or right
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart
Sometimes I think that a true love can never be
I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me
Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain
And I don't think that I could face it all again
I barely know you but somehow I know what you're about
A deeper love I've found in you
And I no longer doubt
You've touched my heart and it altered every plan I've made
And now I feel that I don't have to be afraid
Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on even though you try
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel
Oh, I wish this could be real
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't wanna face what's wrong or right
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart
I locked away my heart
But you just set it free
Emotions I felt
Held me back from what my life should be
I pushed you far away
And yet you stayed with me
I guess this means
That you and me were meant to be
It seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me
It's so ironic you're what I had pictured you to be
But there are facts in our lives
We can never change
Just tell me that you understand and feel the same
This perfect romance that I've created in my mind
I'd live a thousand lives
Each one with you right by my side
But yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance
And so it seems like we'll never have the chnance
Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on even though you try
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel
Oh, I wish this could be real
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't wanna face what's wrong or right
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart
Sometimes I think that a true love can never be
I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me
Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain
And I don't think that I could face it all again
I barely know you but somehow I know what you're about
A deeper love I've found in you
And I no longer doubt
You've touched my heart and it altered every plan I've made
And now I feel that I don't have to be afraid
Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on even though you try
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel
Oh, I wish this could be real
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't wanna face what's wrong or right
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart
I locked away my heart
But you just set it free
Emotions I felt
Held me back from what my life should be
I pushed you far away
And yet you stayed with me
I guess this means
That you and me were meant to be
昨晚把以前Ray給我的Weight Watchers Tool Kit 找出来,一算,昨天超标了。我打算从现在开始每天计算点数,加上锻炼,我就不信减不了这个肥。
目标:减到120磅 (约108斤),目前132磅(约119斤)。
方法:每周二至三次健身房,二至三次热瑜珈,平时有可能,中午去Marymoor Park走路。
昨晚把以前Ray給我的Weight Watchers Tool Kit 找出来,一算,昨天超标了。我打算从现在开始每天计算点数,加上锻炼,我就不信减不了这个肥。
目标:减到120磅 (约108斤),目前132磅(约119斤)。
方法:每周二至三次健身房,二至三次热瑜珈,平时有可能,中午去Marymoor Park走路。
健身记录:Thursday, 2008-01-17
走步机:30分钟,卡路里:150,路程:2 英哩;
自行车:10分钟,卡路里: 50,路程:2 英哩;
一共40分钟,燃烧卡路里:200,路程:4 英哩。
健身记录: Wednesday, 2008-01-16
走步机:30分钟,卡路里:130,路程: 2 英哩
自行车:10分钟,卡路里: 50,路程:1.5 英哩
一共40分钟,燃烧卡路里:180,路程:3.5 英哩
Snow Night
2008.01.15 Tuesday
2008.01.15 Tuesday
Pre-Birthday Present
Tomorow is my birthday on the Chinese calendar. I just received this poem from my dear Boathill.
── From Boathill
This Weekend
从小到大,好像我一直都觉得自己是个很胖的人,我喜欢穿高跟鞋,在国内显得比较高。我特没自信,老觉得自己很笨拙,又高又胖的。来到美国,每当提到减肥这种词儿,同事都觉得我开玩笑。这不,有人说各部门组队锻炼,学期末的时候看那个部门是"The biggest loser"。本来我想参加的,但在老板同事的鄙视下,还是算了。他们觉得我参加锻炼没关系,但没有多少肉可lose,就不要提为部门争光的口号了。
2008.01.12. Saturday
从小到大,好像我一直都觉得自己是个很胖的人,我喜欢穿高跟鞋,在国内显得比较高。我特没自信,老觉得自己很笨拙,又高又胖的。来到美国,每当提到减肥这种词儿,同事都觉得我开玩笑。这不,有人说各部门组队锻炼,学期末的时候看那个部门是"The biggest loser"。本来我想参加的,但在老板同事的鄙视下,还是算了。他们觉得我参加锻炼没关系,但没有多少肉可lose,就不要提为部门争光的口号了。
2008.01.12. Saturday
Back home, start working ...

抽空算是把墨西哥的游记总结了一下。特别按时间倒序贴了八天的内容。By evening I have uploaded the blog about Las Cabos trip in Chinese.
Los Cabos - Day 1 Bienvenidos
Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第一天 (Day 1)
准备 (Preparation, pre-Christmas)
Every year, Boathill and Divertida would plan at least one vacation. It was special in 2007 when my parents came to live with us. We had Hawaii cruise in April, Banff and Jasper trip in August, an east coast tour in Octobor, and the New Year celebration in Los Cabos, Mexico, after the Christmas. Each was 7-8 days and we had a lot of fun. Here I would like to share with you our experience in Cabos.
I actually booked the resort in Los Cabos three years ago. But before I remembered of purchasing the air tickets, it was Octobor. The airfare went up to $700+ (from Seattle) and I'd rather fly back to China at that price. Similar thing happened for our Fiji vacation plan (but anyway there was some trouble with Fiji government that year). For this year's trip, I learned lesson and bought four tickets at $2,200 in April.
Certainly any such planning, including hotel/resort, schedule, car rental and luggage, in this family was my job responsibility. Boathill would only care his camera and laptop. This time I booked a resort suite that can have 6~7 people. I had invited a friend but her daughter had to be in LA for a concert. So we eventually had all the luxury.
3年前我们就订了去LOS CABOS的渡假村,但忘记订机票,等我想起来,已经是10月了,机票飞涨,从西雅图到墨西哥要700多美金,气的我。要花这么多钱,我还不如回国呢。于是取消了渡假村。去年我学了乖,4月就把机票订了,是ALASKA的,加上所有的费用,我们全家4口还不到2200美金,还好。
没头脑在2006年12月就把LC的渡假村订好了,是2个房间,2个卫生间,带厨房的,可以住6个人,因为客厅里还可以拉出来一个大的QUEEN SIZE的床。我们本来邀请另外一家朋友一起去,可以充分利用这套房子,但朋友的女儿想去LA参加周杰伦的演唱会,他们就没能和我们一起去。
Since Octobor, I started research and learned these:
1. Seems driving is dangerous while locals across the highway and no speed limit;
2. Corrupt police man can stop you and issue fine by no reason;
3. Negotiation may be needed for bus or taxi: e.g. $5 from our restort to Costco;
4. Exposure under blazing sunshine need higher SPF screen.
I decided to buy a set of new sunscreen, one for my parents and one for myself. We shopped in Bellevue Square and bought one at Clarins. The sales woman said she was 68 and she had used sunscreen all the time. She looked like 50 and no spot on her face. Sure the bottle cost $60. Fortunately I found it had protected me very well -- you can see from the pictures, I was not tanned -- as all Asian girls want to be white.
Read from other people's blogs and reviews on the internet, I did not plan for car rental. But after asked his colleague, Boathill strongly suggested to drive a car instead of taking the bus. And his suggestion always meant an order to me. So I immediately alter the plan and added $350 to the budget.
1、墨西哥开车很危险,路况不好,行人乱穿马路,墨西哥人开车飞快。 ——— 这是真的
2、墨西哥有很多坏警察,籍着一点小事讹钱。——— 也是真的
3、我们住的地方离一个超市很近,走路15分钟。打车5美元。——— 要讲好价钱,否则可能会出现争执
4、墨西哥的太阳剧毒,一定要带高倍数的防晒霜。——— 千真万确
针对我的调查,我决定,马上买新的防晒霜。老美喜欢把自己晒的黑黑的,我们亚洲人晒黑的好看的可不多。我可不希望变成一个不黄不黑的人回来。去了Bellevue Square,因为是冬天,好多品牌还没有防晒霜。最后到了Clarins,碰到一个号称68岁的老太太sales,可她看起来也就是50多。她很得意地告诉我,她是有皱纹,可脸上一个点都没有,就是因为她一年到头12个月都用防晒霜。我大大地夸奖了她一番,结果就是得到好几个小样。:) 最后买了一个专门擦脸的和专门擦身体的,她说擦身体的也都可以擦脸,但我想还是分开比较好。两小瓶花了60多。俺娘很心痛。过了2天,和我说,能不能买到便宜点的防晒霜,给她和俺爹,不高兴用,贵的只给我一个人。我说没必要,但他们坚持,就跑到Walgreens买了防晒指数50的。正好打折,花了6块多。事实证明,贵的是要好一点。我特别容易被晒黑,可8天下来,我的颜色变得不特别大,俺爹俺娘可是见黑了。
第一天 WorldMark Coral Baja (2007.12.28 Day 1)
Finally it was the day to take off. We had our good neighbor to take care of the mailbox, and we had everything ready including a rental car to the airport. Left for airport around 0630, we arrived at checkin before 0730. The security filtered out two canned food and gave us the choices to throw away or eat at the gate. I said they were sweet conjee with peanut, beans, dates and logans. He found it was interesting but insisted not to touch the forfeits.
On the plane, it was $5 for a salad or a hamburger. My mom's home-made pancake with eggs and green onions feeded us a great lunch and attracted a lot of attention from many other passengers. It looked so good and smelled so delicious. We also had fruits and other things from the bag before I realized the plane was about to land. My mom was sitting by the window and she took couple pictures of an island. Boathill matched the shape on the map but found no name of it.

墨西哥,我们来了!--- Mexico, we are coming!

At the custom, the officer tried to convince me that my parents need to pay extra $20 for each person because of the Chinese passports and it happened the first time when they came to Mexico. I was prepared for such thing and I gave him the two $20 bills. He xeroxed the passports and put seals on a paper (with nothing about the fees). I asked him for the receipts and he said that was it. I did not want any trouble and took it as an experience, even though I suspected the money would slip into his pocket after we turned at the corner.
Not a big deal, I told my parents. We walked out of the luggage claim. There were a bunch of locals waiting for the tourists. I had a folder in hand with our car rental and resort informaiton. One sheet leaked out a logo of Westin, although it was not where we stayed. One guy came up with a quick glimpse on my folder and smiled at us: "Hey to Westin, come with me this way!" Had been told there would be timeshare sales trying to stop us at the door, I was still suprised of this smart guy.
渡假村 (The resort)
About twenty minutes driving, we checked in Coral Baja WorldMark. Boathill and I had been the members for five years. Very familiar style and layout, there were two bedrooms at left, kitchen close to the front door, and a hot tub out of another door to the backyard.
开车20分钟,来到了度假村:Coral Baja。我是这里的会员,加入5年了。一进门,屋子是这样的:

2个房间都在左边,里面是主卧,照片的右边是厨房。房间的外面是Hot Tub。
外观是这样的 (a sunrise view on the beach):

我们把东西收好,就去附近的Mega 和 Costco买吃的了。
商店碰到推销员:Meet Caros (At Mega)
We did not find a lot vegetables and fruits in Mega as we expected. There were many different kinds of yogurt, soymilk, and juice. Boathill always liked to try anything new and he picked some. Then he had no idea in front of the groceries. To be polite, he greeted to a mexican who seemed like a store service man. I found that guy started a conversation with Boathill and I asked what it was about. He explained that there was a celebration event here. Every night? A show in this store? He must try to sell us something ...
The man waited at the check-out and handed us an invitation. We looked at it and told him: "No we do not need any timeshare." He smiled: "This is not a timeshare. There is no presentation. No pushing ... I just want to bring you to this tour and show at Royal Solaris. Very close to you. I see you are a nice family. I want to give you $250 in cash and 4 tickets... Here is my name: Caros. I am a good man..." -- Can anyone believe such a good thing? Boathill and I doubted. Too good to be true, right? But we took the invitation. Why, it wouldn't hurt going there if later we found nothing to do.
来之前,就看到网上说这里满大街都是推销Time Share的人,这次真是见识了。
我想,先拿着也无所谓,到时不去就是了。在美国,我们也去过几个Time Share的讲座,那些人拼命地想让你买,施加很多压力,如果没有江姐那样的钢铁般的毅力,一般都是很难收场。没头脑有自己的底线,不管你说破大天,我就一句话:Sorry! It looks great, but doesn't work for us。 在美国的讲座,常常就是给一些代用卷,或是一个2,3天的旅游,没什么吸引力。这个250的现金,我还是有点心动。所以第二天一早,我宣布,去见识一下墨西哥的销售人员。
Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第一天 (Day 1)
准备 (Preparation, pre-Christmas)
Every year, Boathill and Divertida would plan at least one vacation. It was special in 2007 when my parents came to live with us. We had Hawaii cruise in April, Banff and Jasper trip in August, an east coast tour in Octobor, and the New Year celebration in Los Cabos, Mexico, after the Christmas. Each was 7-8 days and we had a lot of fun. Here I would like to share with you our experience in Cabos.
I actually booked the resort in Los Cabos three years ago. But before I remembered of purchasing the air tickets, it was Octobor. The airfare went up to $700+ (from Seattle) and I'd rather fly back to China at that price. Similar thing happened for our Fiji vacation plan (but anyway there was some trouble with Fiji government that year). For this year's trip, I learned lesson and bought four tickets at $2,200 in April.
Certainly any such planning, including hotel/resort, schedule, car rental and luggage, in this family was my job responsibility. Boathill would only care his camera and laptop. This time I booked a resort suite that can have 6~7 people. I had invited a friend but her daughter had to be in LA for a concert. So we eventually had all the luxury.
3年前我们就订了去LOS CABOS的渡假村,但忘记订机票,等我想起来,已经是10月了,机票飞涨,从西雅图到墨西哥要700多美金,气的我。要花这么多钱,我还不如回国呢。于是取消了渡假村。去年我学了乖,4月就把机票订了,是ALASKA的,加上所有的费用,我们全家4口还不到2200美金,还好。
没头脑在2006年12月就把LC的渡假村订好了,是2个房间,2个卫生间,带厨房的,可以住6个人,因为客厅里还可以拉出来一个大的QUEEN SIZE的床。我们本来邀请另外一家朋友一起去,可以充分利用这套房子,但朋友的女儿想去LA参加周杰伦的演唱会,他们就没能和我们一起去。
Since Octobor, I started research and learned these:
1. Seems driving is dangerous while locals across the highway and no speed limit;
2. Corrupt police man can stop you and issue fine by no reason;
3. Negotiation may be needed for bus or taxi: e.g. $5 from our restort to Costco;
4. Exposure under blazing sunshine need higher SPF screen.
I decided to buy a set of new sunscreen, one for my parents and one for myself. We shopped in Bellevue Square and bought one at Clarins. The sales woman said she was 68 and she had used sunscreen all the time. She looked like 50 and no spot on her face. Sure the bottle cost $60. Fortunately I found it had protected me very well -- you can see from the pictures, I was not tanned -- as all Asian girls want to be white.
Read from other people's blogs and reviews on the internet, I did not plan for car rental. But after asked his colleague, Boathill strongly suggested to drive a car instead of taking the bus. And his suggestion always meant an order to me. So I immediately alter the plan and added $350 to the budget.
1、墨西哥开车很危险,路况不好,行人乱穿马路,墨西哥人开车飞快。 ——— 这是真的
2、墨西哥有很多坏警察,籍着一点小事讹钱。——— 也是真的
3、我们住的地方离一个超市很近,走路15分钟。打车5美元。——— 要讲好价钱,否则可能会出现争执
4、墨西哥的太阳剧毒,一定要带高倍数的防晒霜。——— 千真万确
针对我的调查,我决定,马上买新的防晒霜。老美喜欢把自己晒的黑黑的,我们亚洲人晒黑的好看的可不多。我可不希望变成一个不黄不黑的人回来。去了Bellevue Square,因为是冬天,好多品牌还没有防晒霜。最后到了Clarins,碰到一个号称68岁的老太太sales,可她看起来也就是50多。她很得意地告诉我,她是有皱纹,可脸上一个点都没有,就是因为她一年到头12个月都用防晒霜。我大大地夸奖了她一番,结果就是得到好几个小样。:) 最后买了一个专门擦脸的和专门擦身体的,她说擦身体的也都可以擦脸,但我想还是分开比较好。两小瓶花了60多。俺娘很心痛。过了2天,和我说,能不能买到便宜点的防晒霜,给她和俺爹,不高兴用,贵的只给我一个人。我说没必要,但他们坚持,就跑到Walgreens买了防晒指数50的。正好打折,花了6块多。事实证明,贵的是要好一点。我特别容易被晒黑,可8天下来,我的颜色变得不特别大,俺爹俺娘可是见黑了。
第一天 WorldMark Coral Baja (2007.12.28 Day 1)
Finally it was the day to take off. We had our good neighbor to take care of the mailbox, and we had everything ready including a rental car to the airport. Left for airport around 0630, we arrived at checkin before 0730. The security filtered out two canned food and gave us the choices to throw away or eat at the gate. I said they were sweet conjee with peanut, beans, dates and logans. He found it was interesting but insisted not to touch the forfeits.
On the plane, it was $5 for a salad or a hamburger. My mom's home-made pancake with eggs and green onions feeded us a great lunch and attracted a lot of attention from many other passengers. It looked so good and smelled so delicious. We also had fruits and other things from the bag before I realized the plane was about to land. My mom was sitting by the window and she took couple pictures of an island. Boathill matched the shape on the map but found no name of it.

墨西哥,我们来了!--- Mexico, we are coming!

At the custom, the officer tried to convince me that my parents need to pay extra $20 for each person because of the Chinese passports and it happened the first time when they came to Mexico. I was prepared for such thing and I gave him the two $20 bills. He xeroxed the passports and put seals on a paper (with nothing about the fees). I asked him for the receipts and he said that was it. I did not want any trouble and took it as an experience, even though I suspected the money would slip into his pocket after we turned at the corner.
Not a big deal, I told my parents. We walked out of the luggage claim. There were a bunch of locals waiting for the tourists. I had a folder in hand with our car rental and resort informaiton. One sheet leaked out a logo of Westin, although it was not where we stayed. One guy came up with a quick glimpse on my folder and smiled at us: "Hey to Westin, come with me this way!" Had been told there would be timeshare sales trying to stop us at the door, I was still suprised of this smart guy.
渡假村 (The resort)
About twenty minutes driving, we checked in Coral Baja WorldMark. Boathill and I had been the members for five years. Very familiar style and layout, there were two bedrooms at left, kitchen close to the front door, and a hot tub out of another door to the backyard.
开车20分钟,来到了度假村:Coral Baja。我是这里的会员,加入5年了。一进门,屋子是这样的:

2个房间都在左边,里面是主卧,照片的右边是厨房。房间的外面是Hot Tub。
外观是这样的 (a sunrise view on the beach):

我们把东西收好,就去附近的Mega 和 Costco买吃的了。
商店碰到推销员:Meet Caros (At Mega)
We did not find a lot vegetables and fruits in Mega as we expected. There were many different kinds of yogurt, soymilk, and juice. Boathill always liked to try anything new and he picked some. Then he had no idea in front of the groceries. To be polite, he greeted to a mexican who seemed like a store service man. I found that guy started a conversation with Boathill and I asked what it was about. He explained that there was a celebration event here. Every night? A show in this store? He must try to sell us something ...
The man waited at the check-out and handed us an invitation. We looked at it and told him: "No we do not need any timeshare." He smiled: "This is not a timeshare. There is no presentation. No pushing ... I just want to bring you to this tour and show at Royal Solaris. Very close to you. I see you are a nice family. I want to give you $250 in cash and 4 tickets... Here is my name: Caros. I am a good man..." -- Can anyone believe such a good thing? Boathill and I doubted. Too good to be true, right? But we took the invitation. Why, it wouldn't hurt going there if later we found nothing to do.
来之前,就看到网上说这里满大街都是推销Time Share的人,这次真是见识了。
我想,先拿着也无所谓,到时不去就是了。在美国,我们也去过几个Time Share的讲座,那些人拼命地想让你买,施加很多压力,如果没有江姐那样的钢铁般的毅力,一般都是很难收场。没头脑有自己的底线,不管你说破大天,我就一句话:Sorry! It looks great, but doesn't work for us。 在美国的讲座,常常就是给一些代用卷,或是一个2,3天的旅游,没什么吸引力。这个250的现金,我还是有点心动。所以第二天一早,我宣布,去见识一下墨西哥的销售人员。
Los Cabos - Day 2 San Jose del Cabo
Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第二天 (Day 2)
第二天:Royal Solaris and Playa Las Velas (2007.12.29 Day 2)
After breakfast, I looked at the map and searched for interests by the seashore. When I saw Royal Solaris, I made decision to take this adventure. Why not? we would drive to that way and let's meet those timeshare sales. Don't know who would chanllenge who ...
It came to us a fancy hotel. The guard showed us the parking where Caros was hanging around. Must be no suprise to him seeing a lot of tourists fetched out to his bait. He had a honest smile on the face and introduced us to one of the watchers in the lobby. Working like a pipeline, we were escorted to the meeting room where the reception girl took over and asked us some basic questions to fill out her forms.
The first sales man in the meeting room greeted us and brought us to the breakfast. Couple outdoor restaurants had closed so that we went to a buffet brunch. Not hungry, we ordered juice and took salad or fruit. It was probably the second breakfast for this guy. Anyway, we had a tour in the hotel and walked back to the meeting room. My dad was impressed by the hotel but I just stayed with the original plan: whatever you said I was always interested without buying.
We experienced with those trained sales from supervisor to director, same model and style in the US even with the backward handwriting. As promised, no more pushing, no obligation, no presentation, in an hour we walked away with that $250 in cash and 4 tickets for a dinner show.
It was still early. We spent rest of the day window shopping (while trying to bargain in Spanish) in downtown and enjoying the afternoon sunshine at Las Velas beach. When it was late, we were back to the resort and played for a while in the swimming pool. Certainly not to forget trying the hot tub before dinner and watching Spanish TV programs to close our first day in San Jose del Cabo.
在这里混了半天,拿着钱,带着愉快的心情离开了Royal Solaris。
先去San Jose圣何塞小镇的市中心逛街。

一番讨价还价,什么也没买。因为我能说几句西班牙语,摆摊儿的说我是Amica,所以给我一个最好的价钱———比我在别的摊儿上用英语问的价还贵。 这里的小店到处都是,里面都是卖银器和手工制品。我怕不是真的银,带着过敏,所以只是Window shopping.

然后又返回到海边的度假村。一路开下去,我们在最尽头的渡假村停下来,到里面逛了逛。这里的沙滩一片,一直连到Cabo San Lucas。我们在这里照了几张相。


Played in the swimming pool and relaxed in the hot tub. Here was the 2nd day.
Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第二天 (Day 2)
第二天:Royal Solaris and Playa Las Velas (2007.12.29 Day 2)
After breakfast, I looked at the map and searched for interests by the seashore. When I saw Royal Solaris, I made decision to take this adventure. Why not? we would drive to that way and let's meet those timeshare sales. Don't know who would chanllenge who ...
It came to us a fancy hotel. The guard showed us the parking where Caros was hanging around. Must be no suprise to him seeing a lot of tourists fetched out to his bait. He had a honest smile on the face and introduced us to one of the watchers in the lobby. Working like a pipeline, we were escorted to the meeting room where the reception girl took over and asked us some basic questions to fill out her forms.
The first sales man in the meeting room greeted us and brought us to the breakfast. Couple outdoor restaurants had closed so that we went to a buffet brunch. Not hungry, we ordered juice and took salad or fruit. It was probably the second breakfast for this guy. Anyway, we had a tour in the hotel and walked back to the meeting room. My dad was impressed by the hotel but I just stayed with the original plan: whatever you said I was always interested without buying.
We experienced with those trained sales from supervisor to director, same model and style in the US even with the backward handwriting. As promised, no more pushing, no obligation, no presentation, in an hour we walked away with that $250 in cash and 4 tickets for a dinner show.
It was still early. We spent rest of the day window shopping (while trying to bargain in Spanish) in downtown and enjoying the afternoon sunshine at Las Velas beach. When it was late, we were back to the resort and played for a while in the swimming pool. Certainly not to forget trying the hot tub before dinner and watching Spanish TV programs to close our first day in San Jose del Cabo.
在这里混了半天,拿着钱,带着愉快的心情离开了Royal Solaris。
先去San Jose圣何塞小镇的市中心逛街。

一番讨价还价,什么也没买。因为我能说几句西班牙语,摆摊儿的说我是Amica,所以给我一个最好的价钱———比我在别的摊儿上用英语问的价还贵。 这里的小店到处都是,里面都是卖银器和手工制品。我怕不是真的银,带着过敏,所以只是Window shopping.

然后又返回到海边的度假村。一路开下去,我们在最尽头的渡假村停下来,到里面逛了逛。这里的沙滩一片,一直连到Cabo San Lucas。我们在这里照了几张相。


Played in the swimming pool and relaxed in the hot tub. Here was the 2nd day.
Los Cabos - Day 3 La Paz
Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第三天 (Day 3)
第三天:La Paz (2007.12.30 Day 3)
I had not slept well. Probably the hot tub noise woke me up every another hour. Boathill gave me a pair of ear plugs. But I was not used to them and they hurted me badly. Maybe I was not relaxed yet.
We got up at dawn and ran to the beach. It was windy and I stayed less than half an hour. Boathill continued to try his sunrise shots. He came back with a rugated scrip and there was an e-mail address on it. Boathill said there was a black kid could not capture the sunrise and asked for e-mailing couple shots to him. I remembered this because he had an interesting id called "venicesponger"...
可能是换地方的缘故,我一连两个晚上都没睡好,平均每个小时醒一次。好像是Hot tub的声音,我老觉得吵。不高兴习惯戴耳塞,给我拿了一对,让我试试。结果更难受,觉得耳朵眼被涨得疼,这都是什么事儿啊。

早餐后看好地图,准备去La Paz,是这个州的首府。一路疯狂地开车,80迈以上,在美国都没这么快。这里的车都不管限速,最高限速也就是80公里,可我们都是翻倍地开。路上见到的警察全拿着冲锋枪,怪吓人的。从我们住的San Jose到Cabo San Lucas,有30分钟。开着开着没见到1号公路的标志,就迷路上了山,转到像乡下小镇一样的居民区,到处破破烂烂。连比划加点半通不通的西班牙语,总算问着路,回到了Cabo城里。又开了一截正在修的土路,颠的让人担心车都要散架了。一上19号公路,沿着海,但看不到什么特别的景致,全是山坡,仙人掌,野牛。我这人,按俺家不高兴的说法,骨子里的小资,对这类风景不是很感冒。
Today's destination was up north to La Paz, the capital of Baja California. We were driving crazy on the highway, over 80 mph and up to 100 -- normally not as that much in Seattle. The limit showed 80 km. But seemed everybody trying to double it. We had no choice but following the stream.
The highway No.1 faded into the city of San Lucas and we were lost in uptown on the hill. My Espa?ol plus English and gestures helped us back to downtown, where we found the sign to La Paz. It delayed us for another 30 minutes thru a road under construction. It was also the first time we saw some police men. They carried machine guns and we felt not secured at all.
Out of the city, we were on highway 19 along the seashore but the land was in desert with dry meadow, short bushes and trees like cactus (-- Bear with me on the knowledge of plant names in English). Anyway it was a long drive like this. I was not interested in such scenes while Boathill always played his Nikon whenever there were some colors and he was not asleep.

被警察勒索 (The Police Exactor)
Another hour after we passed Todos Santos, it came to a T-junction. There were uniforms standing by several police cars and carrying the machine guns. Without a clear sign to show us the direction and wondering if there was any accident, I hesitated a little bit at the intersection before turning left. Now we were in the trouble! Because one guy had pointed his finger to ask us pull over. A policeman walked to our car and smiled.
He seemed so happy and I had wished it would be just a friendly warning. But he did not even bother to see our IDs or want to know if we needed a chance. I started with Espa?ol greeting and tried so hard to calm down. This guy also tried very hard to find out if any of us could understand his language more. Once realized he had made decision to cut a piece from us, I kept pretending no more Spanish. This forced him to manage a few English words like "your problem, ticket, money, 20 dollars". I said "dont understand". He repeated patiently with smile.
At last, I showed him 100 peso and he accepted. Since the negotiation took a while, his boss walked to us and asked what was going on. We were uncertain if either he was a good guy to let us go or he was a bad guy to ask more money. Fortunately, that policeman handed the bills to him and they both walked away. I was upset but tried to explain to my parents that this was probably normal in Mexico. Considering the cash we earned yesterday, let us just forget about this bad experience.
开呀开呀,经过中间的Todos Santos,小镇一个,没啥意思,继续向北。开呀开呀,终于快到了。这时前面出现了一个丁字路口,路口对面一帮警察,也是冲锋枪在手,好像是检查车辆。我一紧张,不由得放慢了油门,加上不高兴疑问了一句,是不是这条路啊。得,警察同志立马把我叫到一边停下来。这个警察还是很友好的,笑嘻嘻地问我们从哪里来,都是什么人啊之类的。没头脑毕竟学过西班牙语,两个人英语加西班牙语对上了话。聊了几句,警察说,你刚才那里不应该犹豫,这样很危险,所以要罚你20美金。没头脑在关键的时候还是比较有头脑的,一听这话,马上一脸笑容地用英语说,对不起,我听不懂你说什么。他只好重复一番,我还是说听不懂。他急了,说:your problem, ticket, money, 20 dollars。我说why?
他又解释一遍,当然是用西班牙语,我又说,对不起,我听不懂。几个回合下来,他苦笑不得。我看和他说得也差不多了,说,好吧,虽然我不认为我犯了什么错,但我可以给你10块钱。他说20, 我说10。最后他没辄,只好说,10块就10块吧。刚把钱给他,他的上司就过来了,他只好把钱给了上司。交了这个钱,我们的心情都有点郁闷。我劝大家说,我在网上看多了,这里的警察就是这样的,动辄就叫你停下来,罚款,都没有票的,进了他们自己的腰包。
快进城的时候,见到好几匹躺在马路边的死马,不知道怎么回事,也没人管。这个城市看起来也就是国内一个中小城市的样子。(Now we are entering into the city limit.)


A long and neat avenue along the seashore, with hotels, restaurants, shores, and booths by the street allured the tourists to explore its endless stories... We shopped here and bargained a blanket at 200-peso.
For the day, we had seen no Asian tourists other than us. Many locals gazed at us or whistled from the cars. I wondered if we had a adventure that most vistors had rarely tried.

有人在这里做砂塑。Here were some sculptures by sands.

远帆,草蓬; 红色的地砖,白色的长椅; 雕像也是和海有关的。

A mermaid that anyone could tell her legend?

The lunch choice was not a successful one. Even this crowded restaurant did not help us to order a satisfied dish from the menu. They might taste good but my dad and I refused to try. Boathill and my mom finished half of them. The drinks were not bad but now we were all eager to drive back for some "real food" ...

As we could not get back to Lucas in time for sunset, Boathill had to capture this shot from the car window.
Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第三天 (Day 3)
第三天:La Paz (2007.12.30 Day 3)
I had not slept well. Probably the hot tub noise woke me up every another hour. Boathill gave me a pair of ear plugs. But I was not used to them and they hurted me badly. Maybe I was not relaxed yet.
We got up at dawn and ran to the beach. It was windy and I stayed less than half an hour. Boathill continued to try his sunrise shots. He came back with a rugated scrip and there was an e-mail address on it. Boathill said there was a black kid could not capture the sunrise and asked for e-mailing couple shots to him. I remembered this because he had an interesting id called "venicesponger"...
可能是换地方的缘故,我一连两个晚上都没睡好,平均每个小时醒一次。好像是Hot tub的声音,我老觉得吵。不高兴习惯戴耳塞,给我拿了一对,让我试试。结果更难受,觉得耳朵眼被涨得疼,这都是什么事儿啊。

早餐后看好地图,准备去La Paz,是这个州的首府。一路疯狂地开车,80迈以上,在美国都没这么快。这里的车都不管限速,最高限速也就是80公里,可我们都是翻倍地开。路上见到的警察全拿着冲锋枪,怪吓人的。从我们住的San Jose到Cabo San Lucas,有30分钟。开着开着没见到1号公路的标志,就迷路上了山,转到像乡下小镇一样的居民区,到处破破烂烂。连比划加点半通不通的西班牙语,总算问着路,回到了Cabo城里。又开了一截正在修的土路,颠的让人担心车都要散架了。一上19号公路,沿着海,但看不到什么特别的景致,全是山坡,仙人掌,野牛。我这人,按俺家不高兴的说法,骨子里的小资,对这类风景不是很感冒。
Today's destination was up north to La Paz, the capital of Baja California. We were driving crazy on the highway, over 80 mph and up to 100 -- normally not as that much in Seattle. The limit showed 80 km. But seemed everybody trying to double it. We had no choice but following the stream.
The highway No.1 faded into the city of San Lucas and we were lost in uptown on the hill. My Espa?ol plus English and gestures helped us back to downtown, where we found the sign to La Paz. It delayed us for another 30 minutes thru a road under construction. It was also the first time we saw some police men. They carried machine guns and we felt not secured at all.
Out of the city, we were on highway 19 along the seashore but the land was in desert with dry meadow, short bushes and trees like cactus (-- Bear with me on the knowledge of plant names in English). Anyway it was a long drive like this. I was not interested in such scenes while Boathill always played his Nikon whenever there were some colors and he was not asleep.

被警察勒索 (The Police Exactor)
Another hour after we passed Todos Santos, it came to a T-junction. There were uniforms standing by several police cars and carrying the machine guns. Without a clear sign to show us the direction and wondering if there was any accident, I hesitated a little bit at the intersection before turning left. Now we were in the trouble! Because one guy had pointed his finger to ask us pull over. A policeman walked to our car and smiled.
He seemed so happy and I had wished it would be just a friendly warning. But he did not even bother to see our IDs or want to know if we needed a chance. I started with Espa?ol greeting and tried so hard to calm down. This guy also tried very hard to find out if any of us could understand his language more. Once realized he had made decision to cut a piece from us, I kept pretending no more Spanish. This forced him to manage a few English words like "your problem, ticket, money, 20 dollars". I said "dont understand". He repeated patiently with smile.
At last, I showed him 100 peso and he accepted. Since the negotiation took a while, his boss walked to us and asked what was going on. We were uncertain if either he was a good guy to let us go or he was a bad guy to ask more money. Fortunately, that policeman handed the bills to him and they both walked away. I was upset but tried to explain to my parents that this was probably normal in Mexico. Considering the cash we earned yesterday, let us just forget about this bad experience.
开呀开呀,经过中间的Todos Santos,小镇一个,没啥意思,继续向北。开呀开呀,终于快到了。这时前面出现了一个丁字路口,路口对面一帮警察,也是冲锋枪在手,好像是检查车辆。我一紧张,不由得放慢了油门,加上不高兴疑问了一句,是不是这条路啊。得,警察同志立马把我叫到一边停下来。这个警察还是很友好的,笑嘻嘻地问我们从哪里来,都是什么人啊之类的。没头脑毕竟学过西班牙语,两个人英语加西班牙语对上了话。聊了几句,警察说,你刚才那里不应该犹豫,这样很危险,所以要罚你20美金。没头脑在关键的时候还是比较有头脑的,一听这话,马上一脸笑容地用英语说,对不起,我听不懂你说什么。他只好重复一番,我还是说听不懂。他急了,说:your problem, ticket, money, 20 dollars。我说why?
他又解释一遍,当然是用西班牙语,我又说,对不起,我听不懂。几个回合下来,他苦笑不得。我看和他说得也差不多了,说,好吧,虽然我不认为我犯了什么错,但我可以给你10块钱。他说20, 我说10。最后他没辄,只好说,10块就10块吧。刚把钱给他,他的上司就过来了,他只好把钱给了上司。交了这个钱,我们的心情都有点郁闷。我劝大家说,我在网上看多了,这里的警察就是这样的,动辄就叫你停下来,罚款,都没有票的,进了他们自己的腰包。
快进城的时候,见到好几匹躺在马路边的死马,不知道怎么回事,也没人管。这个城市看起来也就是国内一个中小城市的样子。(Now we are entering into the city limit.)


A long and neat avenue along the seashore, with hotels, restaurants, shores, and booths by the street allured the tourists to explore its endless stories... We shopped here and bargained a blanket at 200-peso.
For the day, we had seen no Asian tourists other than us. Many locals gazed at us or whistled from the cars. I wondered if we had a adventure that most vistors had rarely tried.

有人在这里做砂塑。Here were some sculptures by sands.

远帆,草蓬; 红色的地砖,白色的长椅; 雕像也是和海有关的。

A mermaid that anyone could tell her legend?

The lunch choice was not a successful one. Even this crowded restaurant did not help us to order a satisfied dish from the menu. They might taste good but my dad and I refused to try. Boathill and my mom finished half of them. The drinks were not bad but now we were all eager to drive back for some "real food" ...

As we could not get back to Lucas in time for sunset, Boathill had to capture this shot from the car window.
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