The story was from French in origin. See Frère Jacques in

Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping?(睡眼朦胧,睡眼朦胧)
Brother John, Brother John?(约翰兄,约翰兄?)
Morning bells are ringing,Morning bells are ringing(外面响起晨钟,外面响起晨钟),
Ding, dang, dong!Ding, dang, dong(叮、铛、咚!叮、铛、咚!)
Certainly there is a Chinese version (my translation on right):
两只老虎,两只老虎, There're two tigers, there're two tigers
跑得快,跑得快, Ran like deers, ran like deers
一只没有耳朵(眼睛),一只没有尾巴, One had no tail, one had no ear
真奇怪!真奇怪! It's so weird, it's so queer
Here comes my version:
Do you cheer, do you hear?
I am here, I am near
Do you like to stare? Don't you have to fear
Oh my deer, oh my dear
Well, the rhymes are from here.