Day 5 in Southern Caribbean, Dec 11 – Downtown Antigua
It is another life in vista
It is an island called Antigua
A beach always near
One per day for a whole year
People were born with no fear
Who want to die, there is where
Let me take you away
To the warm sea and sun
Let me take you away
To the island, full of fun ... rephrased from Antigua Joe


晚餐上,服务员安娜又送了一盘饼干,有绿有白的。挺甜的,不怎么好吃,大家就互相“谦让”起来。我先吃了一块,妈问我好吃不好吃,我说好吃;妈尝了一块,爸问妈好吃不好吃,妈说好吃;可谁也不拿下一块。不高兴偷着乐。有一种是黑巧克力的,妈让爸吃,说是黑巧克力对人有好处。正纳闷儿这好处何来呢,爸说“吃了见老”。一想那就更不对了,谁敢吃呀?! 再说一遍才明白是“健脑”!哈哈大笑!


Ana noticed that Boathill had not missed any dish for his camera. She joked if the photographer was trying to copy the secret and open a restaurant back to home. Boathill admitted that it was all for a blog on this trip and invited her in a group picture with Mom and me -- thanking her for a wonderful dinner... Although we only went to the town center and did not go to see any beach today, we had fully rested and prepared for tomorrow.
Day 6 in Southern Caribbean, Dec 12 – Cane Garden Bay, Tortola
Arenas en Tortola, mucha mucha musica
Playa blanca, una dia romantica
Most vacation would slow down a little bit in the middle or after 4~5 days. We were lazy yesterday and did not take any tour. I felt missed something and forced myself doing a better research before the sleep. Due to the left-side driving, we had to take the tour bus. Later, Boathill found he did not capture many beautiful scenes as he did in other trips. Because there were no chance to photograph on a bumping bus when we were surprised by some phenomenal views at the turns, from tree gaps, or at a high point.
昨天歇够了,今天出来玩。这个岛叫脱脱啦,听起来又像“特拖拉”。这是英属维京岛最大的——三十六平方英里(36 square miles),长十二迈,宽三迈。和前几个岛一样,这里开车都是在左边,上山下山的转弯恨不得有九十度,比起波多黎各,地上的坑只多不少。所以只能坐当地的旅游车,很多景色特别是俯瞰海湾的风光就无法捕捉下来了。






Princess cruise had changed the lobster recipe. It was used to be two or three lobsters in the plate (when we were on Princess Dawn Alaska). Now we had one lobster and two big tiger shrimps. We all thought that was a better combination. We loved it. Anyway, it was an experience. No one can eat lobster everyday. For us, cruise was the best opportunity to try different cuisines other than Chinese and home dishes.