Kiwano - [#4302, Horned Melon, Melano, Horned Cucumber, Jelly melon, English tomato, Metulon (France), Cucumis metuliferus] - This odd African melon is grown in the Kenya, Israel, New Zealand and the U.S. as a decorative fruit and in Australia as a noxious weed. Now grown commercially in California.
Pepino Melon [Tree Melon, Melon Pear, Solanum muricatum] - Native to Chili and Peru, the large nightshade berry is sold in markets labeled "pepino melon", it is not, of course a melon, but fruit of a small shrub related to the tomato. It does, however have much the texture and flavor of a melon, but a bit lighter in flavor and jucier. They come in several colors and shapes, with quality of flavor depending on both variety and growing conditions.

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