天使高歌世界聽: 上帝天國已降臨。 帶來仁慈和安寧, 重歸和諧與和平。 萬民萬國齊歡慶, 勝利聲振九霄晴。 基督誕於伯利恆, 聖潔宣揚聖子名。 天使高唱世界聽: 上帝榮耀已降臨。 一切崇拜及致敬, 是主基督的永恒。 舉世矚目他誕生, 聖母孕懷之聖靈。 人的肉體上帝形, 神的化身和結晶。 我主耶穌名為憑, 人類相處共太平。 天使高唱世界聽: 上帝榮耀已降臨。 和平傳播大道行, 正義高懸四海清。 新的希望和光明, 照亮我們的前程。 因他布施與恩情(榮耀在), 世人從此得永生(有關愛)。 神子救贖有萬能, 融化愛恨火與冰。 天使高唱世界聽: 上帝榮耀已降臨。 誠邀眾國與眾民, 聖殿凈化我心靈。 一朝播種教義興, 亂世妖魔都掃清。 舊有形骸可消逝, 新傳思想植於斯。 重生智慧在修行, 光複大愛與正名。 天使高唱世界聽: 上帝榮耀已降臨。 | Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King! Peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled Joyful, all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies With the angelic host proclaim: Christ is born in Bethlehem Hark! The herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King! Christ by highest heaven adored Christ the everlasting Lord! Late in time behold Him come Offspring of a Virgin's womb Veiled in flesh the Godhead see Hail the incarnate Deity Pleased as man with man to dwell Jesus, our Emmanuel Hark! The herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King! Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings Risen with healing in His wings Mild He lays His glory by Born that man no more may die Born to raise the sons of earth Born to give them second birth Hark! The herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King! Come desire of nations come Fix in us thy humble home Rise the woman's conquering seed Bruise in us the serpent's head Adam's likeness now efface Stamp Thine image in its place Second Adam from above Reinstate us in thy love Hark! The herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King! |
See a full version by Chris Tomlin on YouTube.
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