
Los Cabos - Day 3 La Paz

Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第三天 (Day 3)

第三天:La Paz (2007.12.30 Day 3)

  I had not slept well. Probably the hot tub noise woke me up every another hour. Boathill gave me a pair of ear plugs. But I was not used to them and they hurted me badly. Maybe I was not relaxed yet.
  We got up at dawn and ran to the beach. It was windy and I stayed less than half an hour. Boathill continued to try his sunrise shots. He came back with a rugated scrip and there was an e-mail address on it. Boathill said there was a black kid could not capture the sunrise and asked for e-mailing couple shots to him. I remembered this because he had an interesting id called "venicesponger"...

  可能是换地方的缘故,我一连两个晚上都没睡好,平均每个小时醒一次。好像是Hot tub的声音,我老觉得吵。不高兴习惯戴耳塞,给我拿了一对,让我试试。结果更难受,觉得耳朵眼被涨得疼,这都是什么事儿啊。
Dawn Coral Baja Dawn Coral Baja
  早餐后看好地图,准备去La Paz,是这个州的首府。一路疯狂地开车,80迈以上,在美国都没这么快。这里的车都不管限速,最高限速也就是80公里,可我们都是翻倍地开。路上见到的警察全拿着冲锋枪,怪吓人的。从我们住的San Jose到Cabo San Lucas,有30分钟。开着开着没见到1号公路的标志,就迷路上了山,转到像乡下小镇一样的居民区,到处破破烂烂。连比划加点半通不通的西班牙语,总算问着路,回到了Cabo城里。又开了一截正在修的土路,颠的让人担心车都要散架了。一上19号公路,沿着海,但看不到什么特别的景致,全是山坡,仙人掌,野牛。我这人,按俺家不高兴的说法,骨子里的小资,对这类风景不是很感冒。
  Today's destination was up north to La Paz, the capital of Baja California. We were driving crazy on the highway, over 80 mph and up to 100 -- normally not as that much in Seattle. The limit showed 80 km. But seemed everybody trying to double it. We had no choice but following the stream.
  The highway No.1 faded into the city of San Lucas and we were lost in uptown on the hill. My Espa?ol plus English and gestures helped us back to downtown, where we found the sign to La Paz. It delayed us for another 30 minutes thru a road under construction. It was also the first time we saw some police men. They carried machine guns and we felt not secured at all.
  Out of the city, we were on highway 19 along the seashore but the land was in desert with dry meadow, short bushes and trees like cactus (-- Bear with me on the knowledge of plant names in English). Anyway it was a long drive like this. I was not interested in such scenes while Boathill always played his Nikon whenever there were some colors and he was not asleep.

被警察勒索 (The Police Exactor)
  Another hour after we passed Todos Santos, it came to a T-junction. There were uniforms standing by several police cars and carrying the machine guns. Without a clear sign to show us the direction and wondering if there was any accident, I hesitated a little bit at the intersection before turning left. Now we were in the trouble! Because one guy had pointed his finger to ask us pull over. A policeman walked to our car and smiled.
  He seemed so happy and I had wished it would be just a friendly warning. But he did not even bother to see our IDs or want to know if we needed a chance. I started with Espa?ol greeting and tried so hard to calm down. This guy also tried very hard to find out if any of us could understand his language more. Once realized he had made decision to cut a piece from us, I kept pretending no more Spanish. This forced him to manage a few English words like "your problem, ticket, money, 20 dollars". I said "dont understand". He repeated patiently with smile.
  At last, I showed him 100 peso and he accepted. Since the negotiation took a while, his boss walked to us and asked what was going on. We were uncertain if either he was a good guy to let us go or he was a bad guy to ask more money. Fortunately, that policeman handed the bills to him and they both walked away. I was upset but tried to explain to my parents that this was probably normal in Mexico. Considering the cash we earned yesterday, let us just forget about this bad experience.

  开呀开呀,经过中间的Todos Santos,小镇一个,没啥意思,继续向北。开呀开呀,终于快到了。这时前面出现了一个丁字路口,路口对面一帮警察,也是冲锋枪在手,好像是检查车辆。我一紧张,不由得放慢了油门,加上不高兴疑问了一句,是不是这条路啊。得,警察同志立马把我叫到一边停下来。这个警察还是很友好的,笑嘻嘻地问我们从哪里来,都是什么人啊之类的。没头脑毕竟学过西班牙语,两个人英语加西班牙语对上了话。聊了几句,警察说,你刚才那里不应该犹豫,这样很危险,所以要罚你20美金。没头脑在关键的时候还是比较有头脑的,一听这话,马上一脸笑容地用英语说,对不起,我听不懂你说什么。他只好重复一番,我还是说听不懂。他急了,说:your problem, ticket, money, 20 dollars。我说why?
  他又解释一遍,当然是用西班牙语,我又说,对不起,我听不懂。几个回合下来,他苦笑不得。我看和他说得也差不多了,说,好吧,虽然我不认为我犯了什么错,但我可以给你10块钱。他说20, 我说10。最后他没辄,只好说,10块就10块吧。刚把钱给他,他的上司就过来了,他只好把钱给了上司。交了这个钱,我们的心情都有点郁闷。我劝大家说,我在网上看多了,这里的警察就是这样的,动辄就叫你停下来,罚款,都没有票的,进了他们自己的腰包。

  快进城的时候,见到好几匹躺在马路边的死马,不知道怎么回事,也没人管。这个城市看起来也就是国内一个中小城市的样子。(Now we are entering into the city limit.)


  A long and neat avenue along the seashore, with hotels, restaurants, shores, and booths by the street allured the tourists to explore its endless stories... We shopped here and bargained a blanket at 200-peso.

  For the day, we had seen no Asian tourists other than us. Many locals gazed at us or whistled from the cars. I wondered if we had a adventure that most vistors had rarely tried.

  有人在这里做砂塑。Here were some sculptures by sands.

  远帆,草蓬; 红色的地砖,白色的长椅; 雕像也是和海有关的。

  A mermaid that anyone could tell her legend?


  The lunch choice was not a successful one. Even this crowded restaurant did not help us to order a satisfied dish from the menu. They might taste good but my dad and I refused to try. Boathill and my mom finished half of them. The drinks were not bad but now we were all eager to drive back for some "real food" ...

Sunset view from car window
  As we could not get back to Lucas in time for sunset, Boathill had to capture this shot from the car window.

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