
Los Cabos - Day 6 Santa Maria and dinner

Los Cabos - 墨西哥游记:第六天 (Day 6)

第六天:Bahia Santa Maria and Dinner show (2008.01.02 Day 6)

  We walked too much yesterday. Everyone seemed feeling a little lazy or bored after 5 days of exciting, except Boathill had stayed almost whole night to organize his pictures taken for this vacation. After deleting half of them (that he was not satisfied) and merging/stitching to the panoramic ones, there had been over 1000 by last night.

  磨磨蹭蹭过了中午,我们打起精神决定到第二个潜水看鱼的地方玩。这个沙滩叫圣母玛丽亚,Santa Maria。来这里的人没有前一个沙滩多。这里的海浪较大,海岸坡度大。不高兴游得太远了,在水深处呛了好几口海水。后来才发现,原来这里看不到什么鱼。看到的都是象蝌蚪那么大的。不过,既然来了,还是要留个影。
Sketching glimpse
  We did not go out until noon. Here was Santa Maria bay where was couple miles next to Chilleno bay. We planned to try more snorkeling here but did not find fish. It has bigger wave and it was too deep to swim farther.


  It was hurt standing on the rocks with bare feet. Not easy job for a picture.

  看俺娘像不墨西哥小贩。:) 我们照相,她帮我们收东西。

  Look my mom! She looked like a local Mexican peddler. She was collecting all our stuff while we were photographing and playing at the beach.

  晚上到Royal Solaris吃晚餐。就是我们听讲座给我们的免费餐券。自助餐,种类蛮多的,连寿司都有。我吃了好几块生吞拿。一进门服务员就给我们鸡尾酒。不高兴看各种颜色的很漂亮,拿了个Tequila,空着肚子,一下子就醉了,一直到回去的路上还晕晕乎乎的。我喝了玛格瑞塔,爱尔兰奶酒(Irish Cream),还好,酒精含量少,所以没醉。因为着急吃完看节目,就只照了甜点。

  In the evening, we had a dinner show at Royal Solaris where we earned tickets from timeshare presentation. It was a buffet. There ware cocktails, Tequila, Margarita, and Irish cream at the entry. Boathill picked one in a lime color Tequila and got drunk. He slept a while before the show and had felt dizzy whole night.


  This was Boathill's dish. He was "on diet", only fish and vegetables.

Escape Show at Teatro Tehuacan

  English and Spanish were mixed in the show and I could not catch half of them. But the dance was much more enjoyable than Broadway style. The music was so beautiful too. The last one, sun dance, was the best. Looking at belly of the dancing girl, I felt more confidence on my fitness plan.


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