这首歌唱的是好汉鲁达──一位江湖英雄, 出家的绿林和尚,扬名在梁山水泊。 他不修善果,最终却找到了自己的归所。 而今天,他的故事仍在流传。 他后来 法号智深, 最初在 军中做提辖; 他的大名 早已经传 遍了关西, ──当他还是 好汉鲁达。 可福祸 它总会来, 为救女子 杀恶霸, 舍了家 亡命天涯, 他藏身躲入 山西五台 落发为僧 江湖再无人称── 好汉鲁达。 在每个传奇历史上 的舞台, 人们需要 好汉鲁达。 是他豪迈的性情 一直鼓励着我 还有你, 追寻古老的 江湖义气。 可是英雄的末路都 很悲哀, 人们思念 好汉鲁达。 他也曾 对清灯 向五祖三圣 问个明白: 如何再做 好汉鲁达。 法戒森森的寺院, 锁不住他的禅缘、杀人的心魔一片。 倒拔垂杨的菜园, 看洒家功夫施展, 来结交英雄好汉。 野猪林 震慑官差; 保林冲 沧州之外。 逃亡落草 宝珠寺, 在那不平 的人世; 打家劫舍 惹官司,四海要捕抓 不怕死的 好汉鲁达。 他们得罪 了官府, 三山聚义 闹江湖; 打下青州 上了梁山, 百八兄弟伙伴, 再立忠义旗幡。 留下千古美谈── 和 好汉鲁达。 在每个传奇历史上 的舞台, 人们需要 好汉鲁达。 是他豪迈的性情 一直鼓励着 我还有你, 追寻古老的 江湖义气。 等到他把世间一切 都看开, 正果修成 好汉鲁达。 今日方知我是我 是新的存在, 顿悟前缘 好汉鲁达。 | This is the story of El Lute A man who was born to be hunted like a wild animal Because he was poor - But he refused to accept his fate And today his honor has been restored He was only nineteen And he was sentenced to die For something that somebody else did And blamed on El Lute Then they changed it to life And so he could escape From then on they chased him And searched for him day and night All over spain But the search was in vain for El Lute He had only seen the dark side of life The man they called El Lute And he wanted a home just like you and like me In a country where all would be free So he taught himself to read and to write It did'nt help El Lute He was one who had dared to escape overnight They had to find El Lute Soon the fame of his name Spread like wild fire all over the land With a price on his head People still gave him bread And they gave him a hand For they knew he was right And his fight was their fight No one gave you a chance In the spain of those days On the walls every place they had put up The face of El Lute And he robbed where he could just like once Robin Hood They finally caught him and That seemed the end But they caught him in vain Cause a change came for spain And El Lute He had only seen the dark side of life The man they called El Lute And he wanted a home just like you and like me In a country where all would be free And then freedom really came to his land And also to El Lute Now he walks in the light of a sunny new day The man they called El Lute |
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