瑪麗的孩子神之子, 出生 在 圣誕夜。 世人從此 得永生, 因為 神 的契約。 很久以前 在伯利恒, 圣經講述了這章節。 瑪麗的孩子,是神之子, 出生 在 圣誕夜。 我們聽到天使之歌, 耶穌來到這個世界。 世人從此 得永生, 因為 神 的契約。 瑪麗的孩子,是神之子, 出生 在 圣誕夜。 當牧人守候在深夜, 看見一個新星的光華。 伴隨着美妙的音樂, 這天籟仿佛來自雲涯。 我們聽到天使之歌, 耶穌來到這個世界。 世人從此 得永生, 為了 神 的契約。 #〖和聲〗 當時整個世界變明亮, 所有鐘聲敲響。 淚水中喜悅和歡笑的寧祥, 這是福音在大地的傳唱, 這是人類和平的希望。 (約瑟和他的妻子瑪麗 來到伯利恒的那個夜晚, 他們找不到地方 讓瑪麗分娩……) 他們找到了一個角落, 沒人居住的場所, 頂著夜風和寒冷, 瑪麗讓孩子降生了。 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 我的主,您讓神子來解救我 我的主,您的一切給了我 我的主,讓罪惡不再征服我 而大愛能給予我的會更多 我的主,當他們在馬槽邊找到他 我的主,金色光環籠罩著他 我的主,人們圍繞簇擁著他 探訪他和崇拜他(這一天名留萬古) 我的主(要贊美我主) 有人開始產生疑惑 我的主(他是真理永駐) 他們怎知您的杰作 我的主(要贊美我主) 沒有您人們如何生活 我們需要您最多最多(我主光輝圣潔萬物) 我的主(要贊美我主) 充滿孩子般的仰慕 我的主(最偉大的人物) 整個世界都在慶祝 我的主(要贊美我主) 我們要贊美萬物 深切知曉我心何屬(直到世界的盡處) 我的主(要贊美我主) 您讓神子來解救我 我的主(這一天永不沒落) 您的一切給了我 我的主(要贊美我主) 讓罪惡不再征服我 而大愛能給予我的會更多(……) | Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day. And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day. Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible say, Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day. *Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today, And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day. Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day. While shepherds watch their flocks by night, they see a bright new shining star, they hear a choir sing a song, the music seemed to come from afar. Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today, And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day. Mmmmmm...... For a moment the world was aglow, all the bells rang out there were tears of joy and laughter, people shouted "let everyone know, there is hope for all to find peace". (Now Joseph and his wife Mary came to Bethlehem that night they found no place to bear her child not a single room was in sight) And then they found a little nook, in a stable all forlorn. And in a manger cold and dark, Mary's little boy was born. ---------------------------------------- Oh my lord - You sent your son to save us Oh my lord - Your very self you gave us Oh my lord - That sin may not enslave us And love may reign once more Oh my lord - When in the crib they found him Oh my lord - A golden halo crowned him Oh my lord - They gathered all around him To see him and adore (this day will live forever) Oh my lord (so praise the lord) They had become to doubt you Oh my lord (he is the truth forever) What did they know about you Oh my lord (so praise the lord) But they were lost without you They needed you so bad (his light is shining on us) Oh my lord (so praise the lord) With the childs adoration Oh my lord (he is a personation) There came great jubilation Oh my lord (so praise the lord) And full of admiration They realized what they had (until the sun falls from the sky) Oh my lord (oh praise the lord) You sent your son to save us Oh my lord (this day will live forever) Your very self you gave us Oh my lord (so praise the lord) That sin may not enslave us And love may reign once more |
Also this beautiful version of Mary's Boy Child by Harry Belafonte, and more.
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