『據說不息的生命包藏着內心的安寧。 不管是水手還是居家者, 都有一個遙遠的航程。 無論我遨游太空, 還是探索心靈, 那都勿須分明─── 只要我可以確信自己 我一直在前行。』 【和聲】 就像浪花乘着海風 生活如航程───徜徉 就像風兒吹個不停 生活如飄萍───飛翔 就像曙光帶來天晴 生活如黎明───陽光 懂得珍貴每個朝夕 深情呼吸,生生不息 把握時機 去啓航 我看盡整個世界 我遊遍心的海 就像是人生經歷 有空間和時代 探索中尋求答案 把問題想明白 參透了一切紅塵 人世之間 生死劇情 讓願望去等待 【和聲】 晨風吹起了漣漪 喚醒海的生機 海鷗飛來的哭泣 勾起我的孤寂 所聽所見有所思 難記往事紛紛 莫向其間空傷魂 感受陽光,生命溫存 追隨每滴雨痕 【和聲至曲終】 | "They say a restless body can hide a peaceful soul. A voyager, and a settler, they both have a distant goal. If I explore the heavens, or if I search inside. Well, it really doesn't matter as long as I can tell myself I've always tried." Chorus: Like a roller in the ocean, Life is motion - Move on Like a wind that's always blowing, Life is flowing - Move on Like the sunrise in the morning, Life is dawning - Move on How I treasure every minute Being part of it, being in it With the urge to move on I've travelled every country, I've travelled in my mind It seems we're on a journey, a trip through space and time And somewhere lies the answer To all the questions why What really makes the difference Between all dead and living things, the will to stay alive (Chorus) The morning breeze that ripples the surface of the sea The crying of the seagulls that hover over me I see it and I hear it But how can I explain The wonder of the moment To be alive, to feel the sun that follows every rain (Chorus, repeat to fade) |
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